Improve Workforce Productivity by Using AI solutions

Maintaining the workforce productivity is very challenging for the operation leads and this is very important as far as Customer Satisfaction score is concerned.

Business Challenge

  1. What are the factors driving agent’s performance or Average Handle Time (AHT)?
  2. Why is AHT increasing for certain time-period/weeks?
  3. What the the actionable opportunities to drive efficiency and productivity of agents?
  4. How to Monitor KPIs, productivity metrices and driving governance across all sites and business verticals?

How does InvoLead Help?

  1. Using AI driven Machine Learning models, we continuously monitor and track operational competency indices such as AHT, resolve rate etc. across sites and business verticals
  2. The Machine models identify the impact drivers (both positive and negative – such as training, tenure, shift, schedule, process change, agent profile etc.) behind site and also detect the business level performance fluctuations.
  3. Helps in recommending the analytics driven actionable opportunities to drive and productivity.
  4. Enable personalized user experiences through targeted recommendations and tailers insights.
  5. Incorporate insights gained through AI to enable performance-based routing, agent segmentation and performance forecasts.

Potential Benefits

  1. Deep understanding on the factors driving agent efficiency and AHT
  2. Deeper insights why AHT is low or high
  3. Improve agent performance efficiency in the range of 5% – 15%.